A wide shot of a ceramics studio, featuring students working with pottery wheels and other tools.

Alum Featured in the Guardian

The Guardian recently profiled SAIC alum Maura Brewer (BFA 2006). The article featured Brewer’s artist collective, the Rational Dress Society, which includes Fashion, Body, and Garment faculty member Abigail Glaum-Lathbury (BFA 2006), and their current project JUMPSUIT.

The project creates a gender-neutral garment that can be worn everyday and is custom-made to individual measurements. JUMPSUIT was conceived as a response to fast fashion chains like Forever 21 promoting rapid consumption and waste in the fashion world. Brewer sees the everyday, neutral jumpsuit as a way to counteract this “tyranny of fashion.”

The article also discusses recent workshops the collective has held to teach attendees how to make their own jumpsuits, including a recent event at SAIC. The jumpsuits are also available for purchase on the project’s website.