A wide shot of a ceramics studio, featuring students working with pottery wheels and other tools.

Students Receive Top Funding Awards

Cybertwee by Violet Forest

On April 8, students in SAIC's Venture Studio class presented a range of art and design enterprises in the hopes of receiving funding from the MakeWork Council.

The MakeWork Council is an organization of student artists with the shared goal of furthering Chicago’s cultural and economic growth through supporting the businesses of creative people.

After a long deliberation, three budding entrepreneurs received top funding awards and two were named runner-up. Congratulations to Violet Forest, Norman Teague, and Gabriella Michelle Smith as the top award receivers and to Kimberly Clark and Helen Lee as runner-ups. The council hopes that these awards will propel these artists to the next level of developing their enterprises.

For more information about MakeWork, visit here.