Student William Richardson Explores Detroit's Artist-Built Environments
"I chose Detroit because as an admirer of innovative placemaking, I was eager to experience several extraordinary art environments in Detroit created by visionary artists working with recycled and found materials. I decided to visit The Heidelberg Project by Tyree Guyton for its transformation of his neighborhood into a colorful, symbolic landscape celebrating community; C.A.N. Art Handworks by Carlos Nielbock for his creativity in turning everyday cast-offs into vibrant sculptures and his connection to West African roots; Detroit Industrial Gallery by Timothy Burke for his documentation of the city's working-class stories through industrial remnants; and Dabls MBAD African Bead Museum by Olayami Dabls for his innovative assemblage methods and Afrofuturist themes. My main goal was to explore current preservation practices and investigate the balance between preservation and usage of these artist-built environments, aiming to develop an understanding of effective techniques, materials, and approaches for preserving the artistic integrity and authenticity of such sites."
To read more about William's time in Detroit, visit Spaces website.