Professor Joseph Grigely To Exhibit At MASS MoCA

People Are Overhearing Us (detail), 2012, pigment print. Image courtesy of the artist, Krakow Witkin, Boston, MA, and Air de Paris, France.
People Are Overhearing Us (detail), 2012, pigment print. Image courtesy of the artist, Krakow Witkin, Boston, MA, and Air de Paris, France.
Professor Joseph Grigely will exhibit a series of works titled In What Way Wham? (White Noise and Other Words, 1996-2023) at the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art beginning May 28. The works will include installations, sculptures, photographs, films, and books, and are concerned with “the visual representation of speech and sound.”
About the exhibition, Grigely stated, “Part of my interest is to convey in some sense the experience of being deaf.” The exhibition itself strives to provide extensive accessibility, including ASL tours and audio descriptions.