Objects and Spaces for Angels and Machines
Learn to unlearn
collective process
shifting choreographies
negotiating of space
experimental gestures
possibility of failure
contemporary discourse
emphasising physicality
production vs. presentation
transdisciplinary frameworks.
The hallway in this current form is a collectively defined place. This exercise offers space for experiment and gives an insight into how to place individual practices. The challenge is to create new context; that is, the transformation of reality.
Are you an angel or are you a machine?
Objects and Spaces for Angels and Machines is a studio seminar on contemporary issues by Matylda Krzykowski.
Contributing assignments by: Ania Jaworska, Anne Dessing, Katrin Greiling, and Jessica Charlesworth
Advisory by: Kamau Patton and Maite Borjabad Lopez-Pastor
Thank you to: Mejay Gula, Ryan Deemer, and Seth Keller