Nick Cave Speaks with GQ
GQ recently spoke with Stephanie and Bill Sick Professor of Fashion, Body and Garment Nick Cave about his work, the fluid boundaries between art and fashion, and his new art space in Chicago, Facility. The publication refers to Cave as an arbiter of public conversation, an asker of difficult questions, and to his work as heartbreaking, unsettling, and a visual and aural feast. In the interview, speaking about clothing as armor and expression, Cave says "I spearhead the graduate program, and my kids expect me to be bringing it every time I step in that classroom."
Cave also spoke about ways to empower young artists, artists of color, women, and queer artists, saying, "I think the best way to support them is the whole mentoring part of that. Going into schools, collectively bringing young creative people together and just having a roundtable discussion, talking about your history in terms of how you got started doing it." Read the full interview on the GQ website.