Meet the New Class

Carlos Salazar Lermont (DUAL MA)
Hometown: Caracas, Venezuela
Describe yourself in three words: Strategist, team worker, pragmatic
What are you looking forward to doing in Chicago? I want to get involved with art institutions from the inside, to know how they work in Chicago, and learn as much as possible. I’m also curious how the new environment will impact my work.
What are your preferred media? My artwork is mostly performance art, photography, and video.
What are you passionate about? I’m passionate about social change. I believe that organization and cooperative thinking can enhance the ways we live. I want to promote that idea in my country. I have seen what people are capable of through teamwork, distribution, and trust.

Ayo Janeen Jackson (MFA)
Hometown: Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Describe yourself in three words: Voroojack (a unique crazy character), siren, Sufi
Why did you choose SAIC? I envisioned myself learning from these teachers in an easygoing, friendly atmosphere. I will need that sort of environment as I embark on this journey into unfamiliar media.
What are your preferred media? I am a performance artist who uses a combination of my skills in dance and theater to create art. I plan to explore how photography and film can intersect with my choreography.
What are you passionate about? I love how art makes us aware of ourselves and how it can be a wellspring from which peace flows.
Where do you find inspiration? Grimms’ Fairytales, museums, writing, and random subway rides
What do you hope to accomplish in your time at SAIC? Even though I’m interested in the smorgasbord of media SAIC has to offer, I’d like to find a focal point where I can recognize my true voice.

Madeleine Aguilar (BFA)
Hometown: Chicago
Describe yourself in three words: Reflective, modest, inspired
Why did you choose SAIC? SAIC challenges the idea of what school can be with its interesting courses and innovative teaching artists. I was most excited by the fact that I could go to a school where I’d constantly be making things.
What are you looking forward to doing in Chicago? I love Chicago’s many different neighborhoods, each with its own characteristics, history, and good food. I’m looking forward to going on more adventures with my family and our hyperactive dog.
What are you passionate about? Sewing, comics, and making music
Where do you find inspiration? My family, outer space, Joan of Arc, Arizona, medieval times, Star Wars, Chinese food, Sufjan Stevens, The Giver, and my home
What do you hope to accomplish in your time at SAIC? I really want to become an expert at working with my hands.

Harry Warnaar (BFA)
Hometown: Chicago
Describe yourself in three words: Perceptive, ambitious, spacey
Where do you find inspiration? All over, but mostly through people. I love to see how they interact with each other, what they say versus what they do, and how social hierarchies come into play.
What are your preferred media? I’m particularly interested in oil painting, printmaking, and film. I’m very hands-on and love playing with materials, chemicals, solutions, and mixtures. You know you’re getting good art materials when they’re hazardous.
What are you passionate about? Pushing myself in my work, holding myself to a technical and conceptual standard. I direct my standards of truth, accountability, and responsibility to the world around me, fueling my passion for social justice.
What do you hope to accomplish in your time at SAIC? To hone my skills and cement my creative process. I’m excited to join the flow and see what I can make out of it. I also hope to find the people who I’ll be working with for the rest of my life; I can’t accomplish my lofty goals alone.