A wide shot of a ceramics studio, featuring students working with pottery wheels and other tools.

Kate Hanley (MAAAP ‘20)


Kate Hanley received her Bachelor’s degree in Art History and East Asian Studies at Miami University. Her interest in the arts led her to education and curatorial internships at the Contemporary Art Center in Cincinnati, OH, where she developed research and writing skills for docent guides, museum publications, and object labels. She has conducted research on Asian American art history, an underserved field of study, and written an undergraduate thesis about identity representation through the works of Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Tseng Kwong Chi, and CYJO. Kate recently completed a study on museum programming for children with Autism with the resources of the Chicago Cultural Access Consortium, and she is now conducting research on the relationship between the autoproduction of culture perspective and identity formation through YouTube. Through her various research interests, Kate hopes to gain better insight into the ways in which the arts build sites of belonging for diverse populations.