February 2022: Faculty and Staff Accomplishments
Lecturer Guy Elgat’s book, Being Guilty: Freedom, Responsibility, and Conscience in German Philosophy from Kant to Heidegger, was published.
Professor Michelle Grabner opened Again, Working Yesterday, a virtual exhibition with Anne Mosseri-Marlio Galerie.
Assistant Professor, Adj. Drew Lindsay played keyboards on Allison Russell’s solo debut Outside Child, which was nominated for three Grammy awards. The album was also included in the New York Times’s Best Albums of 2021 list.
Assistant Professor Eva Marxen gave a workshop titled “Narratives, Art, and Poetry: Paths for Qualitative Methodologies” with Luis Felipe González at the University Tarapacá in Chile. She is also the moderator and co-organizer of a panel at DePaul University titled “Museum Subjectivities.”
Assistant Professor Dawit L. Petros is this year’s recipient of the Paul de Hueck and Norman Walford Career Achievement Award, a $50,000 award that recognizes outstanding achievement in the field of art photography.
Assistant Professor Jade Yumang’s exhibition Open House Spatter opened at CIRCA Art Actuel in Montréal. Their work was also featured in Not Me, Not That, Not Nothing Either, a group exhibition at the Leslie-Lohman Museum of Art in New York.
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