A wide shot of a ceramics studio, featuring students working with pottery wheels and other tools.

Designed Objects 4: Systems Thinking


Spring 2020

DESOB 4050 001 (1246)

Faculty: Giovanni Innella

Tuesdays 9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m.

This fourth course in the DESOB studio sequence focuses on system design as it applies to a wide range of contemporary conditions. This course provides a structured studio environment for advanced-level students to execute an individual design project that explores the ways in which a set of parts can form a complex whole. Students will be exposed to diverse approaches to production which will inform their own approach to designing a system. By presenting their work to external audiences, students gain insights into the wider contextual factors that bear on the manufacturability of their designs. Through articulation of their design work to outside critics, students define their role as a dynamic catalyst operating within real-world social-, political-, monetary-, and cultural-economies. This course requires students to have a laptop that meets SAIC's minimum hardware specs and runs the AIADO template.

Prerequisite: DES OB 3022