Curatorial Responses to the Refugee Crisis
Tone Olaf Nielsen
Activities, Communication, and Women's Program Coordinator, Trampoline House, Copenhagen Refugee Community, Denmark
CAMP & Trampoline House: Curatorial Responses to the Refugee Crisis
October 11, Sullivan Galleries, 33 S. State Street, 7th floor
9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Tone Olaf Nielsen is a Copenhagen-based independent curator, activist, and educator, whose practice is based on a firm belief in the ability of artistic and curatorial work to contribute to social and political transformation. It is with this ethos that she co-founded the decolonial-transnational feminist curatorial collective Kuratorisk Aktion in 2005. The collective has received international recognition for its work on race, class, and gender justice in projects such as Rethinking Nordic Colonialism (2006) and their newly founded exhibition space CAMP (Center for Art on Migration Politics). In 2009, Nielsen partnered with artist Morten Goll to found the Trampoline House, a community center in Copenhagen that offers counseling, education, and community to asylum seekers and refugees. With CAMP and Trampoline House, Nielsen has contributed to establishing a genuine ‘systemkritik’ in Denmark and helped generate platforms for anti-racist, anti-sexist, and decolonial critique and action.