CNC Integrated Fabrication
DES OB 3060 001
Faculty: Andrew Tyson
Digital fabrication is becoming more prevalent across disciplines and methods in which we create. This course explores techniques in which CNC (Computer Numerical Control) can be integrated into our practice as thinkers, artists, designers, and makers. Through the use of 3D modeling, we will utilize the CNC machine to grasp the fundamentals of the work flow from the computer to the machine, and the processes that come after an object has been actualized. The class will consist of demonstrations, open shop time, and dialogues in various scales. We will discuss CNC technology and tooling, the material explorations involved and the aesthetic outcomes of using the machine. The purpose of the course is to provide students with proficiency in using the milling machine, and to feel confident by the end of the class to use the machine for their individual projects. It is crucial that students become technically proficient prior to moving to abstracting concepts that may circulate around the CNC and integrated fabrication as a whole. Due to the learning curve to properly use SAIC’s CNC resources, this course serves as a prerequisite to access the CNC machine. Rhino 5 is our primary interface for CNC output, and RhinoCAM 2016 is utilized for toolpath generation.
Prerequisite: DES OB 3124 or DES OB 3126