Call for Presentations From The Michigan State Historic Preservation Office

The Michigan State Historic Preservation Office announces the 2nd Preservation in America's Legacy Cities conference
September 13-16, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
McGregor Conference Center on the campus of Wayne State University
You are invited to submit a presentation proposal
Deadline: Sunday, May 22, 2016 at midnight
Neighborhoods in America's Legacy Cities: A Dialogue in Detroit" Theme Statement:
The Michigan State Historic Preservation Office is working in collaboration with partners from academia, federal, state and local government, advocacy groups, nonprofit agencies, neighborhood organizations and the private sector to bring the Neighborhoods in America’s Legacy Cities conference to Detroit in 2016. A follow up to Preservation in America’s Legacy Cities held in Cleveland, Ohio in 2014, the sophomore effort will continue and strengthen the interdisciplinary conversation about the role of historic preservation in revitalizing America’s Legacy Cities, where long term population loss and economic decline present significant challenges for the future of the urban built environment. Difficult questions remain about what role preservation can and should play in shaping the future of Legacy Cities, how to identify and leverage historic assets, what benefits and impediments exist in integrating preservation into community and economic development, and how we make decisions about what we save and what we destroy. Detroit, a true Legacy City poised to rebuild from years of disinvestment, will provide the perfect setting and context in which to raise these questions. Neighborhoods in America’s Legacy Cities will place the focus on a neighborhood level, and examine specific issues that residents of Legacy Cities are facing, including neighborhood transformation and economic development, rightsizing, preservation and public health, the impacts of philanthropic investment and the presence of anchor institutions, the use of preservation as a planning tool, and more. The conference will take place September 13-16, 2016 on the campus of Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan.
For more information about the conference, including tracks and topics, and to submit a presentation proposal, please visit