Fall, Winter, Spring

Registration is Open

Our courses are designed to allow students to focus on their interests, learn new skills, and bring their ideas to life. We offer course subjects, facilities, and resources not available to young creators anywhere else in the world.

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What Makes Our Middle School Program Special

  • Students are able to dig deeply in their areas of interest. Each course provides an immersive experience that teaches young makers both conceptual and technical skills, while allowing them the freedom to explore and innovate.
  • Our museum, the Art Institute of Chicago, is an integral part of students’ experiences. Be prepared to have your child teach you about their favorite pieces in our collection!
  • Our faculty are not only amazing mentors and teachers, but have robust artistic practices themselves. Each online class has one instructor and one classroom assistant, allowing for a 15 to 1 student-to-adult ratio.
  • Our courses are great ways to make new friends who share similar interests.


All supplies are provided.

Contact Us

Continuing Studies staff members are available Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. CT at 312.629.6170 or cs@saic.edu to answer your questions. We are here to help!