Board of Governors
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) is governed by two oversight bodies: the Board of Trustees of the Art Institute of Chicago and the Board of Governors of the School. The trustees oversee both the School and the museum, while the governors focus solely on the School. The governors set policies for the management of the School and steward SAIC's mission, objectives, and core values within the Art Institute.
The Trustees of the Art Institute of Chicago
Board of Governors
David J. Vitale
Robert H. Bergman (BFA 1975)
Sanford L. Biggers (MFA 1999)
Michelle T. Boone
Laurence O. Booth
Charles M. Brennan III
Linda Smith Buonanno (P 2001)
Lester N. Coney
A. Steven Crown
Robert G. Donnelley
Ellen Forte
Karen W. Frank (SAIC 1972–74)
Denise B. Gardner
Sarah Garvey
Gail Hodges
Betsy Karp
Nika Levando Birman (MA 2010)
Christy MacLear
Cary D. McMillan
Monique Meloche
Philip Mercado
Charles L. Michod Jr.
Melissa A. Moore (BFA 1989)
Marcel Munoz
Cherilyn G. Murer
William R. Padnos (MFA 1987)
Marian Phelps Pawlick
Beth K. Rosen
Neal Sáles-Griffin
Anita K. Sinha
Elise Thomas
Charlotte Tieken
Joseph R. Trpik Jr.
Patti Tuomey (MA 2001)
David J. Vitale
Kenneth W. Warren