Roger Reeves speaking to a group of people

Roger Reeves

Course Search Degree Programs

Title Catalog Instructor Schedule


This course provides an introduction to clay as a material. Participants will be introduced to a wide variety of methods and techniques to build, decorate, and glaze ceramic. Demonstrations in Hand-building, coiling, slap-building and surface application including glaze development and application, slip decoration and firing methods, will give students a proficiency in working with clay and in the ceramic department. Introductions to the rich and complex history of ceramic through readings, lectures and museum visits, will provide students with exposures to the critical discourse of contemporary ceramic. This is primarily a beginner's course but open to all levels of students. Readings will vary but typically include, Hands in Clay by Charlotte Speight and John Toki. Vitamin C: Clay and Ceramic in Contemporary Art by Clare Lilley. Ten thousand years of pottery by Emmanuel Cooper. 20th Century Ceramics By Edmund de Waal. Live Form: Women, Ceramics, and Community by Jenni Sorkin. The course will look at artist like Magdalene Odundo, George E. Ohr, Shoji Hamada, Roberto Lugo and Nicole Cherubini as well as historic ceramic from the Art Institutes of Chicago?s collection. Students are expected to complete 3 projects by the end of the semester, Biweekly readings will be part of the course.

Class Number







280 Building Rm M153


This research, discussion, and critique course develops a visual and verbal vocabulary by examining relationships between form and content, word and image. Study includes symbolic association and the problem of effective communication in a highly complex culture.


Corequisite: VISCOM 1002.

Class Number





Visual Communication Design

Area of Study

Graphic Design




Why are we fascinated with con artists—both real and imagined? In this online writing intensive course, we will deepen the skills of argument-driven composition as we explore the sometimes tenuous boundary between authenticity and duplicity. We will examine the con artist as the both the protagonist and antagonist in fictional works, as well as the subject of “true crime” books and documentaries. These materials will inform multiple argument-driven essays which students will draft and revise over the course of the semester. Students should expect to write 15-20 pages of formal, revisable writing, in addition to homework exercises and in-class writing. By providing guided experience in college-level writing, this course forms the necessary foundation for FYS II and upper level Liberal Arts classes.

Class Number





Liberal Arts




Art has been many things to many people. This class introduces students to the history of art and art-like things on Earth from prehistory to ca. 1800 CE. It covers canonical examples from older scholarship alongside works and contexts emerging in recent art histories. Students will learn to perform basic art historical analysis and research, and the course will prepare them to form personal art histories, applying such art histories to their own work. The course surveys historical art in a global scope, from the beginnings of known culture to the dawn of the Industrial Revolution. It introduces students to a range of interdisciplinary frameworks for parsing the production, reception, and conceptualization of art. And it challenges students to think about the relationships between past and present, highlighting how later artists and cultures have engaged earlier art and history. There is a small amount of required reading each week-on average about 20 pages. Written work includes weekly reading responses, two in-class quizzes, an annotated bibliography project, and a take-home final exam.

Class Number





Art History, Theory, and Criticism




Digital visualization is essential to all contemporary creative communication. This class will familiarize students with the syntax, tools and methods of vector-based drawing and reinforce analogies to traditional methods of image-making covered in the First Year Program. Students will begin with an introduction to the computer as a graphic design tool: the relationship of vector to raster graphics and the peripherals. The focus on building proficiency with industry-standard Adobe Illustrator software will be reinforced via tutorials and short design exercises which target specific topics and techniques covered during lectures. Students apply technical competencies to formal design problems during the second half of this course and in Beginning Graphic Design class.


Corequisite: VISCOM 1001 or VISCOM 1101.

Class Number





Visual Communication Design

Area of Study

Graphic Design




This course surveys developments in nineteenth and twentieth century art and architecture. Particular emphasis is placed on theoretical and critical issues, as well as the historical, intellectual, and socioeconomic changes that are reflected or addressed in the works of artists and architects. Note: ARTHI 1001 (or its equivalent) is recommended as a prerequisite for ARTHI 1002.

Class Number





Art History, Theory, and Criticism




This course surveys developments in nineteenth and twentieth century art and architecture. Particular emphasis is placed on theoretical and critical issues, as well as the historical, intellectual, and socioeconomic changes that are reflected or addressed in the works of artists and architects. Note: ARTHI 1001 (or its equivalent) is recommended as a prerequisite for ARTHI 1002.

Class Number





Art History, Theory, and Criticism




FYS II are theme-based writing courses designed for first-year students, with an emphasis on further developing the foundational writing skills students learned in FYS I. Students will continue to hone the intellectual skills of reading critically, and writing responsively, which forms the basis of each student's career at the School. While faculty have autonomy in determining course theme, the theme is an accessory to the writing; the balance in these classes is weighed toward explicit writing instruction and workshopping of student writing, not content. This course provides guided experience in writing college-level essays of various kinds, which may include critical, analytical and argumentative essays, and must include the research paper. It is a policy of the department that at least one essay be a research paper which may involve searching for sources in a library or online, learning to make citations, and preparing an annotated bibliography. A significant amount of time is devoted to the craft of writing, and more sophisticated methods of argumentation and use of evidence and developing independent claims and ideas are explored. Students should expect to write 20-25 pages of formal, revisable writing across the course of the semester. A significant amount of time may be devoted to re-writing essays, so as to develop first drafts into final versions. In-class writing, short homework exercises, and workshopping of student work may be included. Individual meetings to discuss each student's papers should be expected.


Prerequisite: ENGLISH 1001.

Class Number





Liberal Arts


Lakeview - 1427


This class is geared toward students-at-large who are veterans of thee US military. Students will learn the fundamentals of sculpture, ceramics and photography and examine them in a conceptual context. They will then use these resources to express their military experience through these art forms. Emphasis will be on process, exploration, and discussion. The class will be taught primarily by US vet Richard Casper with supplemental instruction from SAIC faculty in Ceramics and Photography

Class Number







280 Building Rm M153


In this course students explore the principles of visual communication by creating two-dimensional printed comprehensive layouts, and three-dimensional mock-ups. Stress is placed on process and development of solutions to problems; idea and form exploration; research; image and text development; compositional structure and hierarchy; verbal, technical, and hand skills. The course also covers the technical aspects of graphic design such as printing methods, papers, and binding. Students will produce 3?4 finished pieces exploring the use of image and type in both single page format, multi-page format, and possibly three-dimensional format. These projects are to be included in the VCD department's obligatory portfolio review for advancement into the VCD intermediate courses.


Prerequisite: VISCOM 1001 and 2011

Class Number





Visual Communication Design

Area of Study

Graphic Design




Image Studio is a course that challenges students to interpret, critically read text, conceptualize, and assess project parameters to implement design solutions. The creative process is a core focus throughout the assignments. The goal of this course is to explore the process of creating original imagery and visual information. We utilize digital and analog means to create design solutions to projects that also require fundamental explorations with typography. We explore a diverse means of image construction from paper collage to photography and Photoshop manipulation. Form studies examine design basics such as juxtaposition, repetition, and progression as well as the use of metaphor, analogy, and semiotics. The introduction of design context, audience awareness, and sequential narrative is also addressed.


Prerequisite: VISCOM 1001 or VISCOM 1101.

Class Number





Visual Communication Design

Area of Study

Digital Imaging, Graphic Design


Sharp 1117


The Department of Painting and Drawing offers a wide variety of comics courses, ranging from traditional to experimental methods and techniques. Each course is designed to focus on a specific area of comics production. To learn more about the topic of a specific comics course in which you are interested, please review the course description for that particular class.

Class Number





Painting and Drawing

Area of Study

Books and Publishing, Comics and Graphic Novels, Illustration


280 Building Rm 306


This team-taught class is an intensive, three-week immersion in comics. The faculty consists of two SAIC faculty members and one visiting-artist-in-residence, working in a studio alongside students. Students work with faculty one-on-one, participate in group critiques, and attend lectures prepared by the faculty members.

Class Number





Painting and Drawing

Area of Study

Books and Publishing, Comics and Graphic Novels, Illustration


280 Building Rm 306


This team-taught class is an intensive, three-week immersion in comics. The faculty consists of two SAIC faculty members and one visiting-artist-in-residence, working in a studio alongside students. Students work with faculty one-on-one, participate in group critiques, and attend lectures prepared by the faculty members.

Class Number





Painting and Drawing

Area of Study

Books and Publishing, Comics and Graphic Novels, Illustration


280 Building Rm 306


This team-taught class is an intensive, three-week immersion in comics. The faculty consists of two SAIC faculty members and one visiting-artist-in-residence, working in a studio alongside students. Students work with faculty one-on-one, participate in group critiques, and attend lectures prepared by the faculty members.

Class Number





Painting and Drawing

Area of Study

Books and Publishing, Comics and Graphic Novels, Illustration


280 Building Rm 306


This multilevel class is for students with or without experience in wheel throwing. Beginning students are introduced to ideas, materials and techniques for throwing vessels. They acquire the necessary skills to construct and analyze a wide range of vessel forms. Intermediate and advanced students continue their individual development of throwing, glazing and firing kilns. Course discussions focus on issues around the vessel to acquire critical understanding of containers and their functions, as well as using the wheel as a means for constructing sculptural forms.

Class Number







280 Building Rm M153


This multilevel class is for students with or without experience in wheel throwing. Beginning students are introduced to ideas, materials and techniques for throwing vessels. They acquire the necessary skills to construct and analyze a wide range of vessel forms. Intermediate and advanced students continue their individual development of throwing, glazing and firing kilns. Course discussions focus on issues around the vessel to acquire critical understanding of containers and their functions, as well as using the wheel as a means for constructing sculptural forms.

Class Number







280 Building Rm M153


This course develops drawing skills with an emphasis on figure gesture and proportion along with a wide range of media. Students are taught to sketch from a live model while communicating design concepts in clothing with style and expression.

Class Number





Fashion Design

Area of Study

Costume Design, Illustration


Sullivan Center 734


This course offers instruction in various methods of casting, including simple plaster molds, hydrocal-cement casts, simple body casts, thermal-setting rubber molds, wax, terra cotta, and paper casting. Students are advised to bring objects they desire to cast. (No hot metal casting in this course.)

Class Number







280 Building Rm 030


For the beginning student this course offers a concentrated introduction to the entire stencil making and printing process. The advanced student may explore the more sophisticated techniques of digital and photographic stencil-making, photo-mechanical darkroom and printing work.

Class Number







280 Building Rm 222, 280 Building Rm 203


This studio course explores typography's impact on language to create meaning, organization and tone. Students experiment in typographic composition and page structure with special regard to the flow and rupture of different text types and reading scenarios. Students learn the technical aspects of typography (specification and copyfitting), methods for composing dynamic multipage formats (combining digital and analog), and contexts (both historical and structural) for understanding the vast repository of typefaces. This course is a core requirement for the Visual Communication Design portfolio review. The framing text for this class is Ellen Lupton's Thinking with Type. But students will be introduced to numerous examples from the history of (predominantly Western) letterforms and concretized language. Understanding these historical forms in their contexts will reveal the logic behind the modern classification of digital type. Students produce weekly type projects which are critiqued and handed in as three project sets. The first set analyses letterforms, structurally and then programmatically. The next project set covers text setting and typographic compositions of increasing semantic and syntactic complexity. The last project is a multilingual, illustrated book layout where students engage the fundamental concept of 'structured variety' over a series of pages.


Prerequisite: VISCOM 1001 or VISCOM 1101. Corequisite: VISCOM 2012.

Class Number





Visual Communication Design

Area of Study

Books and Publishing, Digital Communication, Graphic Design




This class is a co-requisite with Beginning Typography and closely couples with the activities of this particular studio course. The lab components will introduce students to page layout software (namely Adobe InDesign), its terminology and its specific functions, its relationship to other software packages, techniques for composing and outputting digitally, and the technical aspects of digital typography. This information will be reinforced via tutorials and short design exercises which target specific topics and techniques covered during lectures. As the semester progresses, this class also functions as a working lab for the Beginning Typography studio class, allowing students to work on the same project across both classes and receive technology assistance from the instructor. This crossover reinforces the links between digital and non-digital composing and terminologies.


Corequisite: VISCOM 2011 or VISCOM 1102.

Class Number





Visual Communication Design

Area of Study

Digital Imaging, Graphic Design




Beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels are given technical guidance for exploration of the formal and expressive properties of woven structures. Introductions to the preparation of the loom and basic weaves are presented to beginners. Intermediate and advanced students are introduced to a conceptual focus and a technical vocabulary and encouraged to develop individual direction. Group as well as individual critiques are an important part of this course.

Class Number





Fiber and Material Studies


Sharp 1011


Beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels are given technical guidance in the use of dyes and pigments on fabrics. Both hand-painting and -printing processes are explored. The technical vocabulary may include: silkscreen, photographic techniques, stencil and stamp printing, and direct painting. Intermediate and advanced students are introduced to a conceptual focus and a technical vocabulary and are encouraged to develop individual direction. Exploration of ideas will be augmented through research, discussions, group and individual critiques, slide presentations, and field trips.

Class Number





Fiber and Material Studies


Sharp 905


This class is inspired by Johannes Itten?s radical early twentieth-century basic art course developed for the Weimar Bauhaus School of Art, but here using the Maya 3D software, typically used for commercial productions by the entertainment industry. Students will solve a series of formal problems, introduced in increasing levels of complexity. Moving from the 2-dimensional to the 3-dimensional and ultimately to the four-dimensional or time-based, students will evolve their abilities to utilize aspects of light and dark, form, rhythm, color, proportion and volume but in terms of a post photographic discourse, with the intention of advancing a new virtual cinema.


Prerequisite: FVNM 2000

Class Number





Film, Video, New Media, and Animation

Area of Study

Animation, Digital Imaging, Social Media and the Web


MacLean 519


Artists’ Books is a beginning/intermediate level course that focuses on the fundamental techniques of bookbinding so as to be able to design and produce one or an edition of artists’ books and boxes. The class begins by learning a range of traditional binding techniques, discussing material choices, and learning about the history of artists’ books. Later on breaking out of the box to take risks, explore concepts and unconventional materials will be strongly encouraged for individual projects. In addition, the intention of this class is to meld your own studio work and personal expression with the form of artists’ books.

Class Number






Area of Study

Books and Publishing




This course explores the interpretation of the landscape using both drawing and painting mediums. The class works both inside and outside of the studio, taking advantage of the natural and architectural sites of Chicago adjacent to the School.

Class Number





Painting and Drawing


280 Building Rm 305


This course explores the flexibility of cut & sew knitwear. From the comfort of the ubiquitous T-shirt to high performance athletic wear, fashion made with pliant knitted fabrics is everywhere. In its brief history since the invention of the button-less shirt in jersey fabric, sewn knitwear has ushered in radically modern dress through sportswear, dancewear, and athletic wear. Designers, stylistic innovation and technological processes are further examined through lectures and case studies. Students will explore the variations and design potential of flexible knitted fabrics, and the considerations, methods, and equipment to assemble and finish designs cut from knit fabric. Designers, stylistic innovation and technological processes are further examined through lectures and case studies. These include fashion designers Stephen Burrows, Rudi Gernreich, Xuly Bet, Coco Chanel, or Donna Karans 5 easy pieces, as well as in iconographic performances such as by Nicolais Louis Dance, or Martha Grahams “Lament’, or contemporary artists such as Erneste Neto or Malin Bulow. Students will explore the variations and design potential of flexible knitted fabrics, and the considerations, methods, and equipment to assemble and finish designs cut from knit fabric. They will drape, make patterns and block, and stitch finished garments from their design and research; first in a test fabric with similar properties, and then in a material, color and detail (optional) of their choice.

Class Number





Fashion Design

Area of Study

Costume Design, Product Design


Sullivan Center 705, Sullivan Center 706


In this workshop students develop a practical understanding of the procedures used by costume designers and their assistants and crew in film and television production. Weekly lectures and hands-on demonstrations focus on projects including breaking down a script based on character and scene, doing research towards developing characters through costume choices, and techniques used to present those choices to the director and producer. Students break down a script from a show in current production. Final critiques include presentation of the breakdown with clip file photos and drawings of their costume choices for the entire script.

Class Number





Fashion Design

Area of Study

Costume Design, Playwriting/Screenwriting




Through the design, planning, and production of a single large-scale ceramic sculpture, students will gain both significant material knowledge and technical proficiency in numerous important hand-building principles and methods. Although for the purposes of the class these techniques will be specifically directed towards building big, they are broadly applicable to all-ceramic processes and will serve students well however they choose to work in the future. Week one will focus on material considerations for large-scale building, clay mixing, stock preparation, and planning through sketches and small-scale clay or digital models. Weeks two through four will focus on construction, preliminary shaping, and sculpting techniques, such as darting and gusseting, stretching, splitting and patching, paddling, carving, compression, and skim coating. Weeks five and six will cover detailing and finishing techniques such as abrasion and brushing and firing and surfacing. Some prior experience with clay and hand-building is beneficial, but not required.

Class Number







280 Building Rm M152


In this course, students will gain exposure to 'real-world' design practice, while developing a range of wood-shop skills. Working closely with a local furniture and home-goods company Offcut, students will design and prototype tabletop objects to be exhibited at the Offcut showroom in Chicago. Through a series of informative presentations, lectures, field trips and skill-building exercises, students will explore many of the challenges facing designers today; financial, social and environmental. Course readings and discussions will vary, but typically address topics that will help students contextualize different approaches to designing objects while engaging in contemporary cultural concerns of material life cycles and sustainability. Some of the designers and texts we will examine throughout the semester include, but not limited to: Bruno Munari – Art as Design, Junichiro Tanizaki – In Praise of Shadows, Soetsu Yanagi – The Beauty of Everyday Things, Seetal Solanki – Why Materials Matter, Monica Khemsurov & Jill Singer – How to Live with Objects. The course will consist of introductory skill-building exercises followed by a main project to design an accessory or furniture piece from offcuts of wood provided by Offcut.


Class is open to Juniors & Below. Seniors must request permission from the instructor.

Class Number





Architecture, Interior Architecture, and Designed Objects

Area of Study

Furniture Design, Product Design, Sustainable Design


Sullivan Center 1242


This course examines neon techniques used in both traditional and current sign making and their application in creating artworks. Contemporary technical developments are explored.

Class Number





Art and Technology Studies

Area of Study

Art and Science


MacLean B1-16


This course examines neon techniques used in both traditional and current sign making and their application in creating artworks. Contemporary technical developments are explored.

Class Number





Art and Technology Studies

Area of Study

Art and Science


MacLean B1-16


This course examines neon techniques used in both traditional and current sign making and their application in creating artworks. Contemporary technical developments are explored.

Class Number





Art and Technology Studies

Area of Study

Art and Science


MacLean B1-16


This class introduces the traditional animation techniques of creating movement through successive drawings. Techniques include metamorphosis, walking cycles, holds, squash and stretch, blur and resistance. Students use the pencil test Lunch-Box to view their work . Students complete a series of exercises encouraging a full range of animation skills and a final project. Films illustrating drawn-animation techniques are screened regularly.

Class Number





Film, Video, New Media, and Animation

Area of Study

Animation, Illustration


MacLean 717


This course is a comprehensive survey of the history of furniture, including relevant information on residential architecture, the decorative arts and interior design, from the Neolithic Era until the Twenty-First Century. Special attention is given to the developments that have remained most influential within furniture design today, with particular emphasis on the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the Baroque, Rococo and Neoclassical eras, revivalism in the Nineteenth Century, early Modernism in the Arts & Crafts and Art Nouveau movements, Art Deco, the Bauhaus and the International Style, Mid-Century Modernism, Late Modernism and Postmodernism. Through extensive lectures and readings, special focus in this class is devoted to the relationships between furniture and societal customs throughout history, the rise of furniture?s status as a fine art during the Baroque, Rococo and Neoclassical periods, the influence of industrialization, mass production and new technologies and materials on furniture manufacturing in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, furniture?s role in helping to create and define architectural space within interiors of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, and the role of individual narratives in developing unique identities and meanings for furniture throughout history. Students will complete a series of in-class exams along with a final research assignment analyzing a single object chosen from the Art Institute?s furniture collection.


Prerequisite: Art History Survey Requirement

Class Number





Art History, Theory, and Criticism




This course offers an historical survey of music as a sonic art form from the Futurists to the present day. Emphasis is placed on works that tune the performance environment, explore sound as sculpture, interact with the listener/viewer, and employ intermedia. Class discussions include topics such as basic psycho-acoustics, sound manipulation, conceptual art, installation techniques, and constructivist aesthetics.


Prerequisite: Art History Survey Requirement

Class Number





Art History, Theory, and Criticism




This course takes a hemispheric approach that unites the Ancient Americas by following the trade routes that moved materials and goods including corn, turquoise, and gold, from the Arctic to Patagonia and connected this vast expanse of land. We start in 12000 BC with the migration of people to different parts of North, South, and Central America and end in 1492 with the arrival of Europeans. Along the way, we consider a diverse range of media, including architecture, basketry, ceramics, textiles, jewelry, painting, sculpture, architecture, and earthworks from across the ancient Americas. Underscoring modes of both continuity and change, we will also survey responses from contemporary artists whose work continues through lines to ancient art made before Conquest.


Prerequisite: Art History Survey Requirement

Class Number





Art History, Theory, and Criticism




This is a 0 credit study trip placeholder course. Specific credit courses will be applied to your enrollment for the term based on your Study Trip Preregistration information.


Must Have Completed Study Trip Pre-Registration

Class Number





Off Campus



This is a 0 credit study trip placeholder course. Specific credit courses will be applied to your enrollment for the term based on your Study Trip Preregistration information.


Must Have Completed Study Trip Pre-Registration

Class Number





Off Campus



This is a 0 credit study trip placeholder course. Specific credit courses will be applied to your enrollment for the term based on your Study Trip Preregistration information.


Must Have Completed Study Trip Pre-Registration

Class Number





Off Campus



This is a 0 credit study trip placeholder course. Specific credit courses will be applied to your enrollment for the term based on your Study Trip Preregistration information.


Must Have Completed Study Trip Pre-Registration

Class Number





Off Campus



This class introduces students to the concepts and production of distributable artists’ projects. Working closely with faculty, students develop projects to be printed on the Heidelberg offset press and Risograph machines. Multiples such as prints, books, zines, posters, stickers, cards, and packaging are examples of potential projects that utilize these high-volume printing processes. Image creation methods include digital, photo, collage, and hand-drawing. Adobe Creative Suite and a variety of binding and packaging techniques will be demonstrated. Through hands-on examples, readings, and visits to special collections, such as the Joan Flasch Artist Book Collection, a wide range of printed work and distributable projects will be shared and discussed. Over the semester, students can expect to complete a number of multi-color offset and risograph projects and participate in two critiques.

Class Number






Area of Study

Books and Publishing


280 Building Rm 220


This three week course is tailored for students with a foundational understanding of photography and its materials, coupled with a keen interest in leveraging photo images within a diverse array of image-making techniques. Participants will delve into the direct-to-plate Photogravure process, acquiring skills transferable to other non-silver processes such as enlarged negatives, contact printing, and assorted printing methodologies. Additionally, students will develop a fundamental proficiency in intaglio printmaking. Concepts such as text, installation, and performance may also be investigated in relation to printmaking. Emphasis is placed on individual experimentation across a spectrum of both analogue and digital processes, coupled with independent research pursuits.


Prerequisite: 6 credits of PHOTO 2000-level courses or PHOTO 3008 or by instructor consent.

Class Number







280 Building Rm 216


This course draws on the analytic tools of gender and sexuality to examine the construction of power, society, and race in colonial contexts. Drawing on feminist and postcolonial theory, we will look at a broad range of case studies to explore themes in colonial history, such as ?discovery? and conquest, power and resistance, the construction of imperial and gender ideologies, the regulation of intimacy and the creation of race-based hierarchies, the disciplining, regulating, and improvement of colonial bodies, and the multiple intersections and conflicting definitions of gendered or racialized categories and identities. Readings include primary and secondary texts as well as art, images, and film. Evaluation will be based on discussion, writing assignments, and an independent presentation.


Prerequisite: First Year English requirement.

Class Number





Liberal Arts

Area of Study

Gender and Sexuality




This course will begin with examples of Expressionist Cinema in the masterpieces of 1920s Germany, through to reiterations in the classic Hollywood Film Noirs of the 1940s and 1950s, followed by the reinventions of Neo-Noir and finally, the influence of these works on films throughout Europe and Asia. The class will focus on the aesthetics of Expressionism, one of the dominant art movements of the 20th century, as it appears in film, with special attention to lighting, composition and editing. Likewise, lectures and discussions will also focus on recurrent themes such as urbanization, human psychology, the impact of modernity and gender relations. Screenings and readings may vary, but typical works to be studied include: Nosferatu, Metropolis, Double Indemnity, Kiss Me Deadly, The Long Goodbye, Elevator to the Gallows and Infernal Affairs. Readings will help elucidate these screenings. Through close observation and discussion, students will develop basic skills for analyzing film. The legacy of Film Noir, tends to reappear whenever there is social chaos. Given our present world situation, these films remain as relevant today as ever. Students can expect to write two essay exams covering the assigned screenings and readings and a final research paper.


Prerequisite: Art History Survey Requirement

Class Number





Art History, Theory, and Criticism

Area of Study

Art/Design and Politics, Gender and Sexuality, Economic Inequality & Class


MacLean 1307


A course, for students working at all levels of printmaking or painting, that introduces a variety of monotyping techniques. Some of the media used in the course are oil based, such as oil pigments and oil-based inks; and some are water based, such as opaque and transparent watercolors, water soluble inks, and tempera paints. Registration and overprinting methods are shown, along with stencil and transferring processes. Instruction consists of demonstrations and private and group critiques.

Class Number







280 Building Rm 221, 280 Building Rm 203


Electronic manuscripts combine images, words and potentially other media including sound and video. They include but are not limited to online narratives with interactive, hypertextual, animated, or generative elements; artists books (either online or with digital elements); innovative online portfolio pages; SoundWorks hosted on a webpage with textural or visual elements; and installations with digital narrative components. We will study issues in creating content for electronic manuscripts and explore the software, algorithms, and interfaces with which they are created, including social media platforms, HTML5/CSS; JavaScript, twine, and Inform7. The works we will study in this course include Matt Huynh's scrolling 'The Boat,' in which a harrowing narrative of Vietnamese 'boat people' refugees unfolds amidst animated falling rain, storm-rocking graphics, voiced laments, light and dark, moving text, and floating images; Carla Gannis' triptych animation:'The Garden of Emoji Delights; Nick Montfort's generative concrete poetry 'Autopia'; Catt Small's 'SweetXheart”, an interactive game that asks 'Can you get through a week in the life of a modern black woman?; and installed works such as Carolee Schneemann’s 'Venus Vectors' and Noah Wardrip-Fruin and Camille Utterback's 'Talking Cure'. Students will traverse examples; create content; learn/practice HTML5/CSS, basic JavaScript, twine, inform7, and social media-based authoring platforms, create work in the media of their choice.

Class Number





Art and Technology Studies

Area of Study

Comics and Graphic Novels, Digital Imaging, Social Media and the Web




This course explores the sensualness and design of over one hundred years of lingerie making through the use of beautiful fabrics including linen, lace, silk, satin, chiffon and ribbons. Historical references and modern technology are explored through slides, video, books, museums and boutiques for the design of lingerie and under garments. The students drape, make patterns, and fit on a live model. Students are required to make one garment in muslin and their choice of fabric.

Class Number





Fashion Design


Sullivan Center 705, Sullivan Center 706


How do we see the buildings, forms, and spaces as well as the light and shadow that surround us? This class will foster both traditional and creative approaches to photographing architectural structures and dimensional spaces through a combination of visual formalism, direct representation, and conceptual interpretation, allowing students to bring their own particular aesthetic to the process. Architecture is one of the most challenging subjects to photograph with its distortion issues, ambient and mixed light challenges, and the need for problem solving, often with a minimum of equipment. Students will gain technical knowledge and skills necessary to photograph a wide range of 3-dimensional structures and spaces. Working with large format, medium format and digital SLR cameras, the class will be introduced to observational and analytical methodologies that in combination with technical skills, become part of a toolkit for being able to work with technically and conceptually challenging photographic subjects and situations.

Class Number







280 Building Rm 215


How do we see the buildings, forms, and spaces as well as the light and shadow that surround us? This class will foster both traditional and creative approaches to photographing architectural structures and dimensional spaces through a combination of visual formalism, direct representation, and conceptual interpretation, allowing students to bring their own particular aesthetic to the process. Architecture is one of the most challenging subjects to photograph with its distortion issues, ambient and mixed light challenges, and the need for problem solving, often with a minimum of equipment. Students will gain technical knowledge and skills necessary to photograph a wide range of 3-dimensional structures and spaces. Working with large format, medium format and digital SLR cameras, the class will be introduced to observational and analytical methodologies that in combination with technical skills, become part of a toolkit for being able to work with technically and conceptually challenging photographic subjects and situations.

Class Number







280 Building Rm 215


How do we see the buildings, forms, and spaces as well as the light and shadow that surround us? This class will foster both traditional and creative approaches to photographing architectural structures and dimensional spaces through a combination of visual formalism, direct representation, and conceptual interpretation, allowing students to bring their own particular aesthetic to the process. Architecture is one of the most challenging subjects to photograph with its distortion issues, ambient and mixed light challenges, and the need for problem solving, often with a minimum of equipment. Students will gain technical knowledge and skills necessary to photograph a wide range of 3-dimensional structures and spaces. Working with large format, medium format and digital SLR cameras, the class will be introduced to observational and analytical methodologies that in combination with technical skills, become part of a toolkit for being able to work with technically and conceptually challenging photographic subjects and situations.

Class Number





Historic Preservation


280 Building Rm 215


How do we see the buildings, forms, and spaces as well as the light and shadow that surround us? This class will foster both traditional and creative approaches to photographing architectural structures and dimensional spaces through a combination of visual formalism, direct representation, and conceptual interpretation, allowing students to bring their own particular aesthetic to the process. Architecture is one of the most challenging subjects to photograph with its distortion issues, ambient and mixed light challenges, and the need for problem solving, often with a minimum of equipment. Students will gain technical knowledge and skills necessary to photograph a wide range of 3-dimensional structures and spaces. Working with large format, medium format and digital SLR cameras, the class will be introduced to observational and analytical methodologies that in combination with technical skills, become part of a toolkit for being able to work with technically and conceptually challenging photographic subjects and situations.

Class Number





Historic Preservation


280 Building Rm 215


This course provides an introduction to the UI / UX principles, issues, methods of user-centered responsive web design (mobile, tablet, and laptop). Students hand-code HTML / CSS; and various software to generate Javascript and post fully functioning responsive websites. This course is for students from all departments who may have no previous coding or web design experience. All necessary coding and software skills will be taught in class. Readings focus on Non-Linear User Interaction, and the Relationship between Print and Digital Experiences, with others as necessary. Students should anticipate exercises focusing on the following: usability principles, content organization, strategy, user diagramming, audience analysis. Students will be asked to review and identify both strengths and weaknesses of these concepts across retail, experimental, promotional, and educational websites. There will be one technical study (1 week intensive in hand-coding and XD), and one user-centered project (2 weeks - hand-coding or Figma). There are no prerequisites for this course.

Class Number





Visual Communication Design

Area of Study

Digital Communication, Digital Imaging




This course provides an introduction to the UI / UX principles, issues, methods of user-centered responsive web design (mobile, tablet, and laptop). Students hand-code HTML / CSS; and various software to generate Javascript and post fully functioning responsive websites. This course is for students from all departments who may have no previous coding or web design experience. All necessary coding and software skills will be taught in class. Readings focus on Non-Linear User Interaction, and the Relationship between Print and Digital Experiences, with others as necessary. Students should anticipate exercises focusing on the following: usability principles, content organization, strategy, user diagramming, audience analysis. Students will be asked to review and identify both strengths and weaknesses of these concepts across retail, experimental, promotional, and educational websites. There will be one technical study (1 week intensive in hand-coding and XD), and one user-centered project (2 weeks - hand-coding or Figma). There are no prerequisites for this course.

Class Number





Visual Communication Design

Area of Study

Digital Communication, Digital Imaging




This course explores the intersections between psychoanalysis, anthropology, art and childhood, emphasizing common ideas, concepts, techniques and methods across disciplines. The course consists of both theoretical and practical elements. Historical and contemporary ideas on art and human development are explored from multiple theoretical perspectives and interpretations of childhood. In the realm of the practical, students develop and implement collaborative art and ethnography projects guided by shared inquiries, and in opposition to dominant, totalizing narratives.

Class Number





Art Therapy

Area of Study

Class, Race, Ethnicity, Community & Social Engagement, Economic Inequality & Class


Sharp 404, Sharp 404


Clay is inherently connected to the human narrative. Throughout time clay has been fired to ceramic art to tell our stories. This course will focus on clay handbuilding, ceramic surface imagery, and poetic narrative. Students will learn handbuilding and surface imagery techniques including: coil building, slab building, inlay, sgraffito, underglaze, and glazing. In this 3 week summer class students will create sculptures that utilize personal or personally significant narratives. Students will study the work of contemporary artists using narrative such as Roberto Lugo, Arlene Shechet, Kathleen Wall and Kensuke Yamada. Through demonstrations, readings, slides, and critique, students will analyze and borrow from the long history of narrative in clay.

Class Number







280 Building Rm M152


This is a team-taught, three-week intensive Summer studio class for students who want to investigate painting issues and explore formal and conceptual interests in detail. The faculty consists of two SAIC faculty members and one visiting-artist-in-residence, working in a studio alongside students. The faculty and visiting-artist-in-residence meet with the students individually and conduct rigorous group critiques. Activities include: visiting artists' studios, galleries and museum collections. Individual studios are provided to each student enrolled this course.

Class Number





Painting and Drawing


MacLean Center 11th Floor


This is a team-taught, three-week intensive Summer studio class for students who want to investigate painting issues and explore formal and conceptual interests in detail. The faculty consists of two SAIC faculty members and one visiting-artist-in-residence, working in a studio alongside students. The faculty and visiting-artist-in-residence meet with the students individually and conduct rigorous group critiques. Activities include: visiting artists' studios, galleries and museum collections. Individual studios are provided to each student enrolled this course.

Class Number





Painting and Drawing


MacLean Center 11th Floor


HTML defines the structure of a web page, while CSS lends style by controlling the presentation of elements. This online course caters to students with little or no prior coding experience. Through hands-on coding modules, students will use a text editing program to acquire proficiency in standards-compliant HTML and CSS. A strong emphasis on redundancy will ensure that coding concepts are fully understood and best practices reinforced. Students will undertake research, design, and coding tasks to create a fully functional, responsive website. With a solid understanding of HTML and CSS, students will explore opportunities to develop dynamic web pages that adapt seamlessly to different devices and screen sizes. Additionally, students will investigate interface possibilities, evaluate site navigation opportunities, and analyze the effectiveness of various page structures in communicating information effectively and efficiently. There are no prerequisites for this course.


Prerequisite: Student must pass VISCOM Portfolio Review, please message VISCOM for more details on portfolio reviews

Class Number





Visual Communication Design

Area of Study

Social Media and the Web




This course investigates the properties and possibilities of traditional and modern media, grounds, supports, methods, adhesives, and pigments.


Prerequisite: PTDW 1101, 2001, 2004 or PTDW 3003

Class Number





Painting and Drawing

Area of Study

Art and Science


280 Building Rm 311

Class Number



3 - 6


Off Campus


Class Number



3 - 6


Off Campus


Class Number



3 - 6


Off Campus


Class Number



3 - 6


Off Campus



This multi-level course will explore the intersection of art and nature while foraging local plant and earth matter to create pigments for inks and paints. We will delve into the diverse world of pigments, employing various binders to craft water-based mediums such as inks, watercolor, gouache, and acrylic. Students will be introduced to both traditional and experimental techniques and extend beyond the studio, incorporating outdoor, in situ sessions where we actively forage materials. We will learn about contemporary artists like Ricky Lee Gordan, Sam Falls, Cathy Hsaio, Elisabeth Heying, and more, who source their own pigments, examining how these artists thoughtfully incorporate them into their work. Simultaneously, we will look at the historical roots of pigments, tracing their origins and uncovering their myriad applications across cultures and time periods. By the end of the course, students will not only possess the skills to create work using self-sourced pigments but will also gain a nuanced understanding of the historical and contemporary significance of pigments in the broader artistic context. This course will provide a unique opportunity to bridge art and sustainability while making a deeper connection to the natural world.

Class Number





Painting and Drawing

Area of Study

Community & Social Engagement, Public Space, Site, Landscape, Art and Science


280 Building Rm 311


This course will serve as a rigorous, systematic introduction to the concept of narrative. By analyzing a variety of narrative forms (especially short fiction, film, and comics) students will learn what virtually all narratives have in common. Students will gain an understanding of narrative as a particular mode for both creating and conveying meaning. Our primary texts will include short stories by Jumpha Lahiri and David Means, the film The Third Man, and Alison Bechdel's autobiographical comic Fun Home. In addition to our primary sources, students will read key works on narrative theory.


Prerequisite: First Year English requirement.

Class Number





Liberal Arts




There are fantastic books by Asian American writers but often they are not taught in school, or part of pop culture, or included in the literary canon. Who decides which writers and books are worthy of reading? In this discussion based course, we will critically read, think, and write about texts by contemporary Asian American authors. We will analyze multiple factors that have influenced the creation of the texts and that are explored within them, such as race, diaspora, memory, family, politics, community, and identifying oneself and one’s artwork. The readings will be across genre: novels, poetry, non-fiction, and graphic novels. Readings often include works by Victoria Chang, Mira Jacob, Alexander Chee, Jenny Xie, Ocean Vuong, Ted Chiang, and Cathy Park Hong among others. We will freewrite, formulate conceptual questions for the readings, write responses, and compose 2 essays based on individual inquiry and analysis.


Prerequisite: First Year English requirement.

Class Number





Liberal Arts




This course is offered for those students interested in developing skills in the creation and application of digital audio. Using Apple's Logic software, students interested in exploring sound or music are introduced to audio manipulation techniques that allow them to create soundtracks, to record and produce songs or dance tracks, realize abstract sound pieces or manipulate sound for installations. Techniques of sound manipulation are introduced, including audio recording and editing, looping, and sound destruction. MIDI, drum programming, the use of software synthesis and basic music and composition techniques are addressed according to the needs of individual students. The class is structured to encourage the interaction of students with a wide range of technical ability in audio from beginners to advanced artists in the early stages of a professional practice.

Class Number





Art and Technology Studies

Area of Study

Digital Communication, Art and Science


MacLean 431


In this course we explore how some of the best poets through the centuries have invented, mastered, stretched, challenged, rejected, and reinvented poetic forms. We investigate origins of the haiku, ghazal, sonnet, villanelle, pantoum, blues poem, sestina, ballad, prose poem, concrete poem, and a few other original forms, and we question how modern and contemporary examples both honor and deny the traditions these forms have aroused. Our intentions for this course are not merely to revere formal structures and marvel at how poets have succeeded in meeting verse requirements. More significantly, our aim is to tease open the workings of really good poems to see if we might understand how they mean and perhaps even why they affect us. 'Form is nothing more than a transubstantiation of content,' the poet Charles Wright tells us. If this is true, and if poetic form still holds some of the sweat of its makers, then in looking hard at form we have a chance of uncovering what has mattered-and perhaps still matters-most in human experience.


Prerequisite: First Year English requirement.

Class Number





Liberal Arts


Lakeview - 203


Issac Newton is credited with creating mathematical models of the laws of classical physics as well as being an inventor of infinitesimal calculus, but is less well-know as an alchemist despite almost a tenth of his writing being dedicated to the subject. Far from being an isolated example, this is a surprisingly normal occurrence when considered against what we know of the history of mathematics. In this course we will examine the shared history and similar ontological and epistemological structure of mystical and mathematical practice Babylon in the early second millennium until now. Some relevant topics that this class will investigate include: epistemology, ontology, access to knowledge, collective acceptance of new knowledge, what constitutes forbidden or obscene knowledge, the irrationality of the square root of 2, Cantor's project, occult mathematical practice in the second world war, basic algebraic geometry, the psychology of new religious movements and secret societies, recent history of mathematics and natural science, mathematical logic, what “is” truth, systems of inference, symbolic representation, combinatorics, chaos magic, aesthetics of mathematics, meditation and more. Course work may vary, but will primarily consist of weekly reading and short quizzes in addition to less frequent writing assignments.


Prerequisite: First Year English requirement.

Class Number





Liberal Arts

Area of Study

Art and Science


Lakeview - 202


This course offers a survey of the history of manga (Japanese comics) from its premodern predecessors to the present. Beginning with narrative picture scrolls in the medieval period, it will touch on forms of humor and political cartooning in the 19th and early 20th centuries, before moving onto multi-page stories, serials, and standalone books within the serially paneled comics medium. Related developments in non-Japanese comics and media like film, animation, illustration, and painting will also be considered. Among the major artists to be considered in this course are: Hokusai, Tagawa Suiho, Tezuka Osamu, Tatsumi Yoshihiro, Shirato Sanpei, Tsuge Yoshiharu, Hagio Moto, Otomo Katsuhiro, Takahashi Rumiko, and Tagame Gengoro. Students will be required to complete weekly readings, including translated manga and historical/interpretive essays, in addition to occasional reading responses, a research paper, and a final exam.


Prerequisite: Art History Survey Requirement

Class Number





Art History, Theory, and Criticism

Area of Study

Books and Publishing, Comics and Graphic Novels, Illustration




How have Latinx authors addressed the representation of Latinidad in literature and other cultural forms? How does the study of these representations change or revitalize our understanding of literature more broadly? These classes offer students with the opportunity to undertake a detailed study of thematic material related to Latinx literature, including its connections to Latinx culture more broadly. Depending on the instructor, the period and works may vary. Artists/Works/Screening/Reading/Content Area examples to be determined, based on the specific course being offered under this topic, but will include key texts and other cultural forms (i.e.films, television, and comics) by Latinx authors and artists. This 3000-level Humanities course, including readings, reading responses, essays, mid-terms, and finals.


Prerequisite: First Year English requirement.

Class Number





Liberal Arts

Area of Study

Class, Race, Ethnicity




This is a course on music and cinema in the late-20th and early-21st centuries. The focus will be on original scores for full-length films made over the last forty years, with historical, contemporary, and animated subject matter. Students will learn about the history of film scoring and evaluate uses of music by featured composers in selected films. Topics include narrative underscoring, musical motives, diegetic and extradiegetic music, and sonic signifiers of time and place. Course objectives include building strong audio-visual listening skills and acquiring the vocabulary to speak and write about film music and its historical and cultural contexts effectively. Screenings and viewings will vary but typically include examples of feature-length films with original music by composers including Terence Blanchard, Wendy Carlos, Alexandre Desplat, Patrick Doyle, Danny Elfman, Michael Giacchino, Philip Glass, Hildur Gu?nadottir, Joe Hisaishi, James Horner, Quincy Jones, Dario Marianelli, Ennio Morricone, Rachel Portman, Howard Shore, Gabriel Yared, and Hans Zimmer. Readings will vary but typically include works by musicologists and film theorists such as Michel Chion, Rebecca Coyle, Dean Duncan, Julie Hubbert, Lawrence Kramer, Frank Lehman, Richard Leppert, and Laura Mulvey, as well as film critics and journalists. Students will write 15-20 double-spaced pages during the semester, including revisions based on instructor and peer feedback. Assignments may include discussion threads, a close listening essay, an original research paper, and an oral presentation.


Prerequisite: First Year English requirement.

Class Number





Liberal Arts




Most of us consider friendship an essential element of a happy and complete human existence. However, friendship is subject to contingencies that are mainly out of our control (e.g., loss of a friend through death). This endangers our chance for happiness. So by including friendship in our concept of a complete and happy life we seem to put our happiness in jeopardy. Why then insist on cultivating friendship and giving it an important role in happiness? In this course, we explore the role of friendship in Aristotelian, Kantian and utilitarian (Mill's) accounts of morality. While all three philosophers recognize the importance of friendship and its role in human happiness, friendship figures differently in their moral theories, a difference that can be partly explained by the differences in the larger questions each of these thinkers asks.


Prerequisite: First Year English requirement.

Class Number





Liberal Arts


Lakeview - 203


A monolith manifests in orbit around Jupiter, emitting a signal. A beacon? A winter-bound planet’s denizens are androgynous with powerful predictive powers. An aberration? Space travel is enabled by the ingestion of enormous quantities of a geriatric spice a messianic figure suddenly learns to manipulate. A drug trip?! Among popular genres, science fiction is the riskiest conceptually and among the trickiest to master. Because of its relative narrative freedom, science fiction has been a place for some of the wildest, most outlandish, yet frequently astute speculation on the experience of religion that can be found in all modern literature. In this course, you’ll read some novels (by William Gibson, Frank Herbert, and Ursula K. LeGuin), short stories, (by Ted Chiang, Arthur C. Clarke, and Raccoona Sheldon), and view some films (2001: A Space Odyssey, Star Wars, and Close Encounters), and study the work of some theorists of religion (Freud, Jung, Le´vi-Strauss, and Eliade). Assignments vary, but they might include some or many of the following: weekly reading responses, quizzes, papers, and exams.


Prerequisite: First Year English requirement.

Class Number





Liberal Arts


Lakeview - 202


Fungi are members of a kingdom of organisms that is distinct from plants and animals. They are exceptionally enigmatic, not just to everyday people, but to scientists as well. This course serves as a primer to the world of fungi, defining what fungi are and what they are not, and providing a conceptual understanding of these organisms. We explore the taxonomic diversity of fungi before considering their diversity from an ecological perspective. Students learn to identify different forms of fungi, grow them in the lab, and perform experiments to understand how they function. Finally, this course evaluates the importance of fungi from a practical human standpoint (food, medicine, art, spirituality), and discuss important questions to be addressed in the scientific field of mycology.


Prerequisite: First Year English requirement.

Class Number





Liberal Arts


Lakeview - 1503


The Great Lakes watershed is home to ~34 million people across the United States and Canada, holding enough volume to submerge the United States under 10 feet of freshwater (Michigan Sea Grant). This course will explore the historical and contemporary Great Lakes utilizing principles in chemistry, oceanography and limnology (the study of lakes). We will identify the key ecosystem services that the Lakes provide to all communities around it and sustainability challenges that these communities face in stewarding such services. Reading material will span scientific journal publications, scholarly essays, regional news articles, book chapters and movies. Weekly topics will include carbon sequestration, algae blooms, pollutants transport, lake ice, and the spread of non-native species. With tools in geology and chemistry, we will all become citizen scientists of the vast Great Lakes system. We will probe records of lake floor sediments to consider how these processes have changed through time in parallel with human development around the Lakes, conduct laboratory measurements to evaluate knowledge gained through classroom lectures, and create our own citizen science devices to collect and analyze environmental specimens first-hand. In addition, we will explore the role of women, gender minorities, and Indigenous people in knowledge and stewardship of the North American Great Lakes. Students will be evaluated by weekly lab assignments, a collaborative writing project (turned into a zine), and a final citizen science design project. Note that no prior experience in chemistry and math is required to take this course.


Prerequisite: First Year English requirement.

Class Number





Liberal Arts

Area of Study

Art and Science


Lakeview - 1503


This course explores the expression of social imagination in modern China, from the early 20th century to the present day, through the cinematic medium. Taking a selection of representative films and film criticism particular to the mainland, the course will survey constructions of social space throughout distinct historical periods. These include the mise-en-scene of the 1930s silver screen (Wu Yonggang?' The Goddess), Maoist revolutionary representation (Jiang Qing's model opera-ballets), as well as critical portrayals of globalization in the 21st century (Jia Zhangke's The World).


Prerequisite: Art History Survey Requirement

Class Number





Art History, Theory, and Criticism


MacLean 608


This course is an introductory seminar to the interdisciplinary study of science, medicine, and technology. We will ask questions such as: How is scientific knowledge made and how does it change? How does this knowledge come to shape our built environment, technologies, bodies, lived experiences, and social differences? Relatedly, what are the relationships between scientific knowledge and power? Finally, what do radical epistemological challenges to scientific knowledge formations (such as from feminist, constructivist, and decolonial perspectives) mean for science? Topics may include the politics of science in the public sphere, medicalization and biopolitics, climate science, and artificial intelligence. Foundational readings will include Knorr Cetina on epistemic cultures, Daston on the history of objectivity and scientific images, Benjamin on race and technology, Jasanoff on science and the state, Haraway on situated knowledge, Kuhn on scientific revolutions, and Latour on Actor-Network Theory.  We will also screen several documentaries. The course will involve at least one field trip, such as to a large research laboratory in Chicago (e.g. Argonne National Laboratory or FermiLab). Coursework will include writing exercises, group work in the form of a mock orals exam, one presentation, and a final paper that builds on both course readings and guided independent research.


Prerequisite: First Year English requirement.

Class Number





Liberal Arts


MacLean 707


Since the early twentieth century, radio technology has shaped innovations in communication, news, and entertainment. This powerful medium has driven political influences, established cultural trends, generated communal listenership, and diminished spatial boundaries for the dissemination of information. Radio served as a precursor for later forms of mass media such as television, the Internet, and podcasts. This course will address the history, theory, and aesthetics of radio transmission in Europe and North America. Through lectures, discussion, listening, reading, and writing, students will explore radio?s influence on social habits, political dynamics, and artistic expression.


Prerequisite: First Year English requirement.

Class Number





Liberal Arts




Why do birds migrate? When do whales sing? What does a bee's dance mean? Animals have fascinating behaviors that have both puzzled and amazed observers. This class will explore current theories behind these actions. The lecture/discussion aspects of this course will focus on theories and concepts while the lab component will focus on collecting (Virtual zoo camera) observational data on local fauna and coming up with hypothesis to explain the observed behaviors. Student-collected original data will then be discussed and new or additional theories proposed. This course includes VIRTUAL Zoo camera data observations from any zoo around the world that has zoo cameras!


Prerequisite: First Year English requirement.

Class Number





Liberal Arts




Since the early 1960s, artists have increasingly experimented with alternative methods of disseminating their ideas, using books or records, occasionally collaborating in periodicals, and other uncategorized projects. Students investigate the increasing acceptability of such activities and discuss a broad variety of publishing, from guerrilla fly-posting through mail-art magazines to the exhibition-in-a-book, including the unconventional artists' bookwork. Examining both well-known examples and obscure occurrences, the course attempts to place alternative art publishing in a contemporary context.


Prerequisite: Art History Survey Requirement

Class Number





Art History, Theory, and Criticism


MacLean 620


Science fiction is cinema's most colorful genre, and is as old as cinema itself. This screening-and-lecture course will consider a range of classic science fiction features, from the campy to the hyper violent, the preposterous to the mystical. Frequently dismissed as formulaic, the science fiction film is in fact remarkably supple, allowing inventive directors to tweak its conventions for their own creative ends - to create existential drama, biting social satire, or simple psychological terror. Films will include Alien, The Incredible Shrinking Man, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Fly, and Westworld.


Prerequisite: Art History Survey Requirement

Class Number





Art History, Theory, and Criticism


MacLean 1307


This course provides an introduction to social theories on tourism and travel activities. Drawing from anthropological and ethnographic research, students will explore the significance of tourism over the 20th century, developing alongside travel and information technologies well into present day tourism behavior and the global leisure industry. Media including travel photography, travelogue, home movies, or virtual reality - all provide sociomaterial examples of the significance of the tourist gaze and imaginary not only for personal recreation, but also influencing representation of the global south, in historically distorted and problematic ways. Course readings and films challenge students to consider these theories in the contexts of the varied sites and forms of tourism practiced around the world today. Learning content allows students to survey and examine mass tourism as well as tourism that makes an effort to get 'off the beaten track' in search of authenticity and adventure. Topics covered span from heritage, eco, and sex tourism, to “voluntourism,” dark and tragic tourism, including “staycations” and “holistays.” Students apply these insights during experiential learning activities of local tourist sites, commercialism, and cultural production of leisure settings in Chicagoland. Students engage in ethnographic exercises, submit a photo essay, and plan a dream excursion, implementing ethical considerations addressed in the course via travel design, and future tourism activities.


Prerequisite: First Year English requirement.

Class Number





Liberal Arts


Lakeview - 205


Ritual treatment of the dead is both unique to humans and a human universal. This course is a global exploration of mortuary archaeology, extending from evidence through the first ritual burials (perhaps 300,000 years ago or more), through historic slave cemeteries. Using a biocultural approach, we will examine the information that archaeologists and bioarchaeologists glean from human remains, grave and cemetery architecture, and portable material culture, including ceramics, textiles, metalwork, and so on.


Prerequisite: First Year English requirement.

Class Number





Liberal Arts




The issues of modern philosophy have been inseparable from critical aspects of social modernity, such as the issue of 'capitalism.' From the 18th Century Enlightenment and 1789 French Revolution to the social revolutions of the 19th and 20th centuries, philosophers have radically interrogated problems of consciousness and subjectivity in terms of modern society, and have been concerned with possibilities for social transformation and emancipation. This course begins with the trajectory from Rousseau and Adam Smith to Kant and Hegel, proceeding to Marx and his followers Lukacs, Korsch and Althusser, and opposing accounts of revolutionary possibilities by Heidegger, Foucault and Adorno.


Prerequisite: Art History Survey Requirement

Class Number





Art History, Theory, and Criticism




This course is designed to provide students an opportunity to gain experience as interns in professional arts and design environments and prepare for professional life after SAIC. During the semester, faculty provide in-depth mentorship and act as liaison with the internship site supporting students meet their learning goals as outlined for the semester. Through group meetings and online discussions, students engage with a peer cohort of students participating in a variety of internships. Students work at internships for a total of 140 hours (approx 14 hours per week) for the term. In addition to successfully completing the internship, students will conduct an informational interview with their employer, attend 4 class meetings and a meeting with the faculty and supervisor, complete an internship supervisor evaluation, revise their resume, and update their online portfolio, website, or professional profile. Students are required to secure an internship prior to the start of the semester. Internships must be approved by the Career and Professional Experience (CAPX) office. Students are encouraged to meet with a CAPX advisor for assistance with researching and applying for internships. In order to begin the internship approval process students should go to Upon approval, course registration is managed by CAPX. Note that international students must receive CPT authorization prior to participating in an off-campus internship. Internships may be in-person, hybrid, or virtual; however all four class meetings are virtual. Class meeting day and time are determined by the faculty.


Prerequisite: 2900 course

Class Number





Career and Professional Experience



This course is designed to provide students an opportunity to gain experience as interns in professional arts and design environments and prepare for professional life after SAIC. During the semester, faculty provide in-depth mentorship and act as liaison with the internship site supporting students meet their learning goals as outlined for the semester. Through group meetings and online discussions, students engage with a peer cohort of students participating in a variety of internships. Students work at internships for a total of 140 hours (approx 14 hours per week) for the term. In addition to successfully completing the internship, students will conduct an informational interview with their employer, attend 4 class meetings and a meeting with the faculty and supervisor, complete an internship supervisor evaluation, revise their resume, and update their online portfolio, website, or professional profile. Students are required to secure an internship prior to the start of the semester. Internships must be approved by the Career and Professional Experience (CAPX) office. Students are encouraged to meet with a CAPX advisor for assistance with researching and applying for internships. In order to begin the internship approval process students should go to Upon approval, course registration is managed by CAPX. Note that international students must receive CPT authorization prior to participating in an off-campus internship. Internships may be in-person, hybrid, or virtual; however all four class meetings are virtual. Class meeting day and time are determined by the faculty.


Prerequisite: 2900 course

Class Number





Career and Professional Experience



This course is designed to provide students an opportunity to gain experience as interns in professional arts and design environments and prepare for professional life after SAIC. During the semester, faculty provide in-depth mentorship and act as liaison with the internship site supporting students meet their learning goals as outlined for the semester. Through group meetings and online discussions, students engage with a peer cohort of students participating in a variety of internships. Students work at internships for a total of 140 hours (approx 14 hours per week) for the term. In addition to successfully completing the internship, students will conduct an informational interview with their employer, attend 4 class meetings and a meeting with the faculty and supervisor, complete an internship supervisor evaluation, revise their resume, and update their online portfolio, website, or professional profile. Students are required to secure an internship prior to the start of the semester. Internships must be approved by the Career and Professional Experience (CAPX) office. Students are encouraged to meet with a CAPX advisor for assistance with researching and applying for internships. In order to begin the internship approval process students should go to Upon approval, course registration is managed by CAPX. Note that international students must receive CPT authorization prior to participating in an off-campus internship. Internships may be in-person, hybrid, or virtual; however all four class meetings are virtual. Class meeting day and time are determined by the faculty.


Prerequisite: 2900 course

Class Number





Career and Professional Experience



This course is designed to provide students an opportunity to gain experience as interns in professional arts and design environments and prepare for professional life after SAIC. During the semester, faculty provide in-depth mentorship and act as liaison with the internship site supporting students meet their learning goals as outlined for the semester. Through group meetings and online discussions, students engage with a peer cohort of students participating in a variety of internships. Students work at internships for a total of 140 hours (approx 14 hours per week) for the term. In addition to successfully completing the internship, students will conduct an informational interview with their employer, attend 4 class meetings and a meeting with the faculty and supervisor, complete an internship supervisor evaluation, revise their resume, and update their online portfolio, website, or professional profile. Students are required to secure an internship prior to the start of the semester. Internships must be approved by the Career and Professional Experience (CAPX) office. Students are encouraged to meet with a CAPX advisor for assistance with researching and applying for internships. In order to begin the internship approval process students should go to Upon approval, course registration is managed by CAPX. Note that international students must receive CPT authorization prior to participating in an off-campus internship. Internships may be in-person, hybrid, or virtual; however all four class meetings are virtual. Class meeting day and time are determined by the faculty.


Prerequisite: 2900 course

Class Number





Career and Professional Experience



This course is designed to provide students an opportunity to gain experience as interns in professional arts and design environments and prepare for professional life after SAIC. During the semester, faculty provide in-depth mentorship and act as liaison with the internship site supporting students meet their learning goals as outlined for the semester. Through group meetings and online discussions, students engage with a peer cohort of students participating in a variety of internships. Students work on-site at internships for a total of 140 hours (approx 14 hours per week) for the term. In addition to successfully completing the internship, students will conduct an informational interview with their employer, attend 4 class meetings and an onsite meeting with the faculty and supervisor, complete an internship supervisor evaluation, revise their resume, and update their online portfolio, website, or professional profile. Students are required to secure an internship prior to the start of the semester. Internships must be approved by the Career and Professional Experience (CAPX) office. Students are encouraged to meet with a CAPX advisor for assistance with researching and applying for internships. In order to begin the internship approval process students should go to Upon approval, course registration is managed by CAPX. Note that international students must receive CPT authorization prior to participating in an off-campus internship. Internships may be in-person, hybrid, or virtual; however all four class meetings are virtual. Class meeting day and time are determined by the faculty.

Class Number



1.5 - 3


Career and Professional Experience



This course is designed to provide students an opportunity to gain experience as interns in professional arts and design environments and prepare for professional life after SAIC. During the semester, faculty provide in-depth mentorship and act as liaison with the internship site supporting students meet their learning goals as outlined for the semester. Through group meetings and online discussions, students engage with a peer cohort of students participating in a variety of internships. Students work on-site at internships for a total of 140 hours (approx 14 hours per week) for the term. In addition to successfully completing the internship, students will conduct an informational interview with their employer, attend 4 class meetings and an onsite meeting with the faculty and supervisor, complete an internship supervisor evaluation, revise their resume, and update their online portfolio, website, or professional profile. Students are required to secure an internship prior to the start of the semester. Internships must be approved by the Career and Professional Experience (CAPX) office. Students are encouraged to meet with a CAPX advisor for assistance with researching and applying for internships. In order to begin the internship approval process students should go to Upon approval, course registration is managed by CAPX. Note that international students must receive CPT authorization prior to participating in an off-campus internship. Internships may be in-person, hybrid, or virtual; however all four class meetings are virtual. Class meeting day and time are determined by the faculty.

Class Number



1.5 - 3


Career and Professional Experience



This course is designed to provide students an opportunity to gain experience as interns in professional arts and design environments and prepare for professional life after SAIC. During the semester, faculty provide in-depth mentorship and act as liaison with the internship site supporting students meet their learning goals as outlined for the semester. Through group meetings and online discussions, students engage with a peer cohort of students participating in a variety of internships. Students work on-site at internships for a total of 140 hours (approx 14 hours per week) for the term. In addition to successfully completing the internship, students will conduct an informational interview with their employer, attend 4 class meetings and an onsite meeting with the faculty and supervisor, complete an internship supervisor evaluation, revise their resume, and update their online portfolio, website, or professional profile. Students are required to secure an internship prior to the start of the semester. Internships must be approved by the Career and Professional Experience (CAPX) office. Students are encouraged to meet with a CAPX advisor for assistance with researching and applying for internships. In order to begin the internship approval process students should go to Upon approval, course registration is managed by CAPX. Note that international students must receive CPT authorization prior to participating in an off-campus internship. Internships may be in-person, hybrid, or virtual; however all four class meetings are virtual. Class meeting day and time are determined by the faculty.

Class Number



1.5 - 3


Career and Professional Experience



This course is designed to provide students an opportunity to gain experience as interns in professional arts and design environments and prepare for professional life after SAIC. During the semester, faculty provide in-depth mentorship and act as liaison with the internship site supporting students meet their learning goals as outlined for the semester. Through group meetings and online discussions, students engage with a peer cohort of students participating in a variety of internships. Students work on-site at internships for a total of 140 hours (approx 14 hours per week) for the term. In addition to successfully completing the internship, students will conduct an informational interview with their employer, attend 4 class meetings and an onsite meeting with the faculty and supervisor, complete an internship supervisor evaluation, revise their resume, and update their online portfolio, website, or professional profile. Students are required to secure an internship prior to the start of the semester. Internships must be approved by the Career and Professional Experience (CAPX) office. Students are encouraged to meet with a CAPX advisor for assistance with researching and applying for internships. In order to begin the internship approval process students should go to Upon approval, course registration is managed by CAPX. Note that international students must receive CPT authorization prior to participating in an off-campus internship. Internships may be in-person, hybrid, or virtual; however all four class meetings are virtual. Class meeting day and time are determined by the faculty.

Class Number



1.5 - 3


Career and Professional Experience



This course is designed to provide students an opportunity to gain experience as interns in professional arts and design environments and prepare for professional life after SAIC. During the semester, faculty provide in-depth mentorship and act as liaison with the internship site supporting students meet their learning goals as outlined for the semester. Through group meetings and online discussions, students engage with a peer cohort of students participating in a variety of internships. Students work on-site at internships for a total of 140 hours (approx 14 hours per week) for the term. In addition to successfully completing the internship, students will conduct an informational interview with their employer, attend 4 class meetings and an onsite meeting with the faculty and supervisor, complete an internship supervisor evaluation, revise their resume, and update their online portfolio, website, or professional profile. Students are required to secure an internship prior to the start of the semester. Internships must be approved by the Career and Professional Experience (CAPX) office. Students are encouraged to meet with a CAPX advisor for assistance with researching and applying for internships. In order to begin the internship approval process students should go to Upon approval, course registration is managed by CAPX. Note that international students must receive CPT authorization prior to participating in an off-campus internship. Internships may be in-person, hybrid, or virtual; however all four class meetings are virtual. Class meeting day and time are determined by the faculty.

Class Number



1.5 - 3


Career and Professional Experience



This course is designed to provide students an opportunity to gain experience as interns in professional arts and design environments and prepare for professional life after SAIC. During the semester, faculty provide in-depth mentorship and act as liaison with the internship site supporting students meet their learning goals as outlined for the semester. Through group meetings and online discussions, students engage with a peer cohort of students participating in a variety of internships. Students work on-site at internships for a total of 140 hours (approx 14 hours per week) for the term. In addition to successfully completing the internship, students will conduct an informational interview with their employer, attend 4 class meetings and an onsite meeting with the faculty and supervisor, complete an internship supervisor evaluation, revise their resume, and update their online portfolio, website, or professional profile. Students are required to secure an internship prior to the start of the semester. Internships must be approved by the Career and Professional Experience (CAPX) office. Students are encouraged to meet with a CAPX advisor for assistance with researching and applying for internships. In order to begin the internship approval process students should go to Upon approval, course registration is managed by CAPX. Note that international students must receive CPT authorization prior to participating in an off-campus internship. Internships may be in-person, hybrid, or virtual; however all four class meetings are virtual. Class meeting day and time are determined by the faculty.

Class Number



1.5 - 3


Career and Professional Experience



In this course we will examine the ecstasy, transgressions, and transformations that occurred largely around queer networks of artistic activity in the United States ca. 1970-99. Focusing on larger cities, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, and Minneapolis, we will look at an intermedial roster of often undersung or understudied painters, photographers, dancers, performers, conceptualists, fashion designers, and DJs who honed an aesthetic of excess that critiqued and opened up possibilities both within social conventions and the art world. While this class is not a history of disco, It is nonetheless rooted in the politics of the dancefloor, where friendship, movement, inclusion, and joy can become political expressions of freedom. Topics explored include glamour and celebrity as a mode of critique and celebration (Les Petit Bon Bons, the Miss General Idea Pageants, File Megazine), conceptual and performance gestures that trafficked in vernacular forms (Diana Ross translated through Julius Eastman, Arthur Russell), the voices of other voices in Lipysnka and Pinkietessa, alternative actions and spaces via performances and exhibitions in the storefront windows of Fiorucci and Mayfield Bleu, public performances by The Cockettes and The Whizz Kidz, space making with David Mancuso, Larry Levan, Frankie Knuckles, and Adrian Piper's Funk Lessons, and the politics of partying and friendship around the dance-floor. We will read excerpts and texts by and from Micah Salkind, Peter Shapiro, Deforrest Brown Jr., Giorgio Agamben, madison moore, Albert Goldman, Tim Lawrence, A.A. Bronson, Jose Esteban Munoz. Students will present on one reading or screening, do a midterm creative research project, and a final presentation with a 10 page paper.


Prerequisite: Art History Survey Requirement OR Graduate Student

Class Number





Art History, Theory, and Criticism

Area of Study

Art/Design and Politics, Gender and Sexuality, Economic Inequality & Class


MacLean 816


Prerequisite: Art History Survey Requirement OR Graduate Student

Class Number





Off Campus



Prerequisite: Art History Survey Requirement OR Graduate Student

Class Number





Off Campus



This course examines images of women and the work of women artists in India, engaging with broader topics in feminist and postcolonial theory. We will investigate indigenous responses to colonial and to contemporary critiques of the female form in Indian art, discuss the agency of women artists in the twentieth century, and examine how women artists interpreted the female form. This is an advanced undergraduate course that emphasizes research and writing. Artists discussed in this class include Amrita Sher-Gil, Nilima Sheik, Shazia Sikander, Mithu Sen and Pushpamala Students will submit two 3-5page papers and one final studio project. Students will also lead discussion on one of the readings assigned in class.


Prerequisite: Art History Survey Requirement OR Graduate Student

Class Number





Art History, Theory, and Criticism




Between its incorporation in 1833 and the world's fair of 1933, Chicago was internationally the most important site for development of modern architecture. From the commercial buildings of Burnham and Root or Adler and Sullivan to the domestic architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright and the Prairie School, Chicago was on the 'cutting edge.' This architectural 'century of progress' is explored through field trips and on-site lectures. Chicago and its suburbs are the class's 'museum.'


Prerequisite: Art History Survey Requirement OR Graduate Student

Class Number





Art History, Theory, and Criticism


Lakeview - 205


This team taught 3 week summer intensive course examines the unique lives, art and garments which have contributed to fashion theory and practices of the past 200 years. Topics introduce style innovators and creators of dress and menswear, relating fashion to cultural influences, subcultures, sculpture, performance art, dance, textiles, interior design, merchandising, journalism and creative writing. Roundtable readings will generate daily discussion while weekly collaborative research projects will lead to group presentations and individually-written essays. Visits to museum exhibitions and studios will inspire responses. For 3 hours daily M-F for 3 weeks, students with diverse interests can gain knowledge of fashion arts history and contemporary fashion practices while strengthening skills in research, speaking and writing.


Prerequisite: Art History Survey Requirement OR Graduate Student

Class Number





Art History, Theory, and Criticism


Lakeview - 202


This team taught 3 week summer intensive course examines the unique lives, art and garments which have contributed to fashion theory and practices of the past 200 years. Topics introduce style innovators and creators of dress and menswear, relating fashion to cultural influences, subcultures, sculpture, performance art, dance, textiles, interior design, merchandising, journalism and creative writing. Roundtable readings will generate daily discussion while weekly collaborative research projects will lead to group presentations and individually-written essays. Visits to museum exhibitions and studios will inspire responses. For 3 hours daily M-F for 3 weeks, students with diverse interests can gain knowledge of fashion arts history and contemporary fashion practices while strengthening skills in research, speaking and writing.


Prerequisite: Art History Survey Requirement OR Graduate Student

Class Number





Art History, Theory, and Criticism


Lakeview - 202


Incorporating daily visits to the Art Institute of Chicago, this seminar will examine the history of European and American art from the 1870s to the twentieth century through the focused engagement with objects in the museum collections. Class time will be divided between classroom lectures, discussions of daily reading assignments, and museum visits. In all of these, students will be expected to take an active participatory role. Course topics will be determined in relation to the collections on view, but recurring questions will focus on materiality and display.


Prerequisite: Art History Survey Requirement OR Graduate Student

Class Number





Art History, Theory, and Criticism


MacLean 920


This interdisciplinary studio course is designed to help students recognize patterns of inquiry within their studio work while proceeding toward an outward-facing practice beyond graduation. An assessment of previous projects will be the starting point for an ongoing critical examination of your creative practice, through which you will be asked to contextualize and position your work in the art-worlds of the 21st Century. This course is a forum for in-depth individual and group critiques with technical and conceptual discussions tailored to your practice and research. Readings will but typically include Duty Free Art in the Age of Planetary Civil War by Hito Steyerl; What Art Is and Where It Belongs by Paul Chan; selections from Delirium and Resistance: Activist Art and the Crisis of Capitalism Gregory Sholette; as well as various artist interviews from anthologies such as Tell Me Something Good: Artist Interviews from The Brooklyn Rail. The book Art/Work - Everything You Need to Know (and Do) As You Pursue Your Art Career will be our practical guide for preparing for life after school. In addition to various screenings and field trips, class visits by local artists and curators will provide the opportunity for conversation about the lived experience of sustaining a creative practice. With an emphasis on faculty mentorship, class meetings will support the development of a focused, self-initiated Senior Project, an extended artist presentation, in-depth writing about one's work, and the tools for maintaining an independent studio practice.


Prerequisite: 3900 course

Class Number





Interdisciplinary Studies


MacLean B1-04


This course introduces students to the basics of sculpture fabrication and production. Students of this course will become authorized to use the department's facilities through a series of material projects and assignments that enable safe and competent work in three areas: Moldmaking, Metal Fabrication and Woodworking. The class will design and make molds suitable for casting models from simple and complex patterns in the mold-making studio. The class will use cutting, bending, rolling, welding and finishing techniques in the Metal Fabrication Studio to produce a project in steel. In the Woodshop, the class will learn to design a project in wood using the following machine tools: table saw, dado blades, jointer, planer, band saw, router, pneumatic brad nailer, and sanders. Upon completing Sculpture Bootcamp, students will have the authorizations and experience they need to take full advantage of the sculpture department open shop facilities.

Class Number







280 Building Rm 015, 280 Building Rm 127A


What are the concerns that drive one's creative practice? How does one set the terms for its future development? Spine Intensive is a course for students needing to complete Sophomore Seminar, the Junior Professional Practice Experience, or the Capstone. The course offers interdisciplinary strategies for the evaluation and communication of students' individual practice as artists, designers, and/or scholars. Through essential readings, studio projects, and writing, students will generate narratives about how and why they make art. Students will receive individual advising sessions with lead faculty as they work toward generating documentation of their work, a statement of purpose, and other professional practice materials to support their practice post-graduation. Spine Intensive can only be taken once to count for credit.

Class Number





Interdisciplinary Studies


280 Building Rm 120


This course is designed to provide students an opportunity to gain experience as interns in professional arts and design environments and prepare for professional life after SAIC. During the semester, faculty provide in-depth mentorship and act as liaison with the internship site supporting students meet their learning goals as outlined for the semester. Through group meetings and online discussions, students engage with a peer cohort of students participating in a variety of internships. Students work on-site at internships for a total of 140 hours (approx 14 hours per week) for the term. In addition to successfully completing the internship, students will conduct an informational interview with their employer, attend 4 class meetings and an onsite meeting with the faculty and supervisor, complete an internship supervisor evaluation, revise their resume, and update their online portfolio, website, or professional profile. Students are required to secure an internship prior to the start of the semester. Internships must be approved by the Career and Professional Experience (CAPX) office. Students are encouraged to meet with a CAPX advisor for assistance with researching and applying for internships. In order to begin the internship approval process students should go to Upon approval, course registration is managed by CAPX. Note that international students must receive CPT authorization prior to participating in an off-campus internship. Internships may be in-person, hybrid, or virtual; however all four class meetings are virtual. Class meeting day and time are determined by the faculty.

Class Number



1.5 - 3


Career and Professional Experience



This workshop, appropriate for students working on or off the page, privileges construction by way of collecting, selecting and arranging smaller units I call miniatures. Traditionally miniatures in art have been expected to stand on their own and represent compressed essentials of an accepted form, but this course embraces individual units more slant and rag-tag and explores construction with miniatures that may vary in aspect, scale, intention and material form. This course was created to serve students across the graduate division and works best with an interdisciplinary cohort. All are welcome.

Class Number







Lakeview - 808


This course is designed to provide students an opportunity to gain experience as interns in professional arts and design environments and prepare for professional life after SAIC. During the semester, faculty provide in-depth mentorship and act as liaison with the internship site supporting students meet their learning goals as outlined for the semester. Through group meetings and online discussions, students engage with a peer cohort of students participating in a variety of internships. Students work on-site at internships for a total of 140 hours (approx 14 hours per week) for the term. In addition to successfully completing the internship, students will conduct an informational interview with their employer, attend 4 class meetings and an onsite meeting with the faculty and supervisor, complete an internship supervisor evaluation, revise their resume, and update their online portfolio, website, or professional profile. Students are required to secure an internship prior to the start of the semester. Internships must be approved by the Career and Professional Experience (CAPX) office. Students are encouraged to meet with a CAPX advisor for assistance with researching and applying for internships. In order to begin the internship approval process students should go to Upon approval, course registration is managed by CAPX. Note that international students must receive CPT authorization prior to participating in an off-campus internship. Internships may be in-person, hybrid, or virtual; however all four class meetings are virtual. Class meeting day and time are determined by the faculty.

Class Number



1.5 - 3


Career and Professional Experience



This classes introduces topics, themes, methods and theories of modern and contemporary art from the late 19th century to the present. The class is geared at incoming MFA students to engage in issues relevant to art historical methods to supplement their artistic practice. Individual instructors will adapt the content based on their individual areas of expertise. Content will vary depending on instructors but include key texts in Modern and Contemporary art history. The course will include reading by relevant scholars in the field of Modern and Contemporary Art. Students will turn in weekly responses, take quizzes and tests and possibly write a research paper at the end of the semester


This course is primarily for incoming MFA students, and students should only take this survey once.

Class Number





Masters in Fine Arts Low Residency


Lakeview - 202


The aim of the Summer intensive is for students to develop the skills essential to the practice of design and communicating design ideas. The goal is for students to establish a fluid working process that utilizes integrated digital and analog processes as a means to move through ideation, iteration, material testing, visualization and design communication. To this end, the class provides training in software including Adobe Suite, Rhino, Bunkspeed, computer aided fabrication (CNC milling, 3D scanning and printing, laser cutting), as well as manual techniques such as rapid sketching, various prototyping techniques, data visualization and visual communication strategies. Working both collaboratively and independently students will consider Chicago as a lab and explore its potential as a source and resource for design practice. Existing design skills will honed to new levels through the integration of studio work, demonstrations and hands-on workshops. You must be a Master of Design in Designed Objects student to enroll in this course.


You must be a Master of Design in Designed Objects student to enroll in this course.

Class Number





Architecture, Interior Architecture, and Designed Objects


Sullivan Center 1227


The aim of the Summer intensive is for students to develop the skills essential to the practice of design and communicating design ideas. The goal is for students to establish a fluid working process that utilizes integrated digital and analog processes as a means to move through ideation, iteration, material testing, visualization and design communication. To this end, the class provides training in software including Adobe Suite, Rhino, Bunkspeed, computer aided fabrication (CNC milling, 3D scanning and printing, laser cutting), as well as manual techniques such as rapid sketching, various prototyping techniques, data visualization and visual communication strategies. Working both collaboratively and independently students will consider Chicago as a lab and explore its potential as a source and resource for design practice. Existing design skills will honed to new levels through the integration of studio work, demonstrations and hands-on workshops. You must be a Master of Design in Designed Objects student to enroll in this course.


You must be a Master of Design in Designed Objects student to enroll in this course.

Class Number





Architecture, Interior Architecture, and Designed Objects


Sullivan Center 1227


This seminar consists of weekly lectures, colloquia, and studio visits. Students are expected to arrive with completed and semi-completed works and be prepared to make and re-make new works throughout the summer sessions. A wide variety of readings chosen by faculty will guide discussions that concentrate on problems concerning methods of artmaking, distribution, and interpretation. Readings will include examples drawn from the emerging category of conceptual writing as well as crucial art historical texts, literature, and poetry.


Prerequisite: Must be enrolled in the Low-Residency MFA Program.

Class Number





Masters in Fine Arts Low Residency


Sharp 314


This seminar consists of weekly lectures, colloquia, and studio visits. Students are expected to arrive with completed and semi-completed works and be prepared to make and re-make new works throughout the summer sessions. A wide variety of readings chosen by faculty will guide discussions that concentrate on problems concerning methods of artmaking, distribution, and interpretation. Readings will include examples drawn from the emerging category of conceptual writing as well as crucial art historical texts, literature, and poetry.


Prerequisite: Must be enrolled in the Low-Residency MFA Program.

Class Number





Masters in Fine Arts Low Residency


Sharp 328


This seminar consists of weekly lectures, colloquia, and studio visits. Students are expected to arrive with completed and semi-completed works and be prepared to make and re-make new works throughout the summer sessions. A wide variety of readings chosen by faculty will guide discussions that concentrate on problems concerning methods of artmaking, distribution, and interpretation. Readings will include examples drawn from the emerging category of conceptual writing as well as crucial art historical texts, literature, and poetry.


Prerequisite: Must be enrolled in the Low-Residency MFA Program.

Class Number





Masters in Fine Arts Low Residency


Sharp 315


This seminar consists of weekly lectures, colloquia, and studio visits. Students are expected to arrive with completed and semi-completed works and be prepared to make and re-make new works throughout the summer sessions. A wide variety of readings chosen by faculty will guide discussions that concentrate on problems concerning methods of artmaking, distribution, and interpretation. Readings will include examples drawn from the emerging category of conceptual writing as well as crucial art historical texts, literature, and poetry.


Prerequisite: Must be enrolled in the Low-Residency MFA Program.

Class Number





Masters in Fine Arts Low Residency


Lakeview - 1428


This seminar consists of weekly lectures, colloquia, and studio visits. Students are expected to arrive with completed and semi-completed works and be prepared to make and re-make new works throughout the summer sessions. A wide variety of readings chosen by faculty will guide discussions that concentrate on problems concerning methods of artmaking, distribution, and interpretation. Readings will include examples drawn from the emerging category of conceptual writing as well as crucial art historical texts, literature, and poetry.


Prerequisite: Must be enrolled in the Low-Residency MFA Program.

Class Number





Masters in Fine Arts Low Residency


Sharp 329


This seminar consists of weekly lectures, colloquia, and studio visits. Students are expected to arrive with completed and semi-completed works and be prepared to make and re-make new works throughout the summer sessions. A wide variety of readings chosen by faculty will guide discussions that concentrate on problems concerning methods of artmaking, distribution, and interpretation. Readings will include examples drawn from the emerging category of conceptual writing as well as crucial art historical texts, literature, and poetry.


Prerequisite: Must be enrolled in the Low-Residency MFA Program.

Class Number





Masters in Fine Arts Low Residency


Sharp 326