Gillion Carrara
Professor, Adjunct
Gillion Carrara (she/her) is a Professor, Adjunct at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, teaching in the area of fashion, dress, and art. She is the founding director of the SAIC Fashion Resource Center, established in 1987. Gillion was a board member of the Costume Colloquium; a series of bi-annual global lecturers in presentations on the theme of dress, beginning in 2008 through 2018. She has presented lectures and hosted SAIC students attending the Colloquium in Florence, Italy. She is a member of ICOM, the annual International Council of Museums, where she has presented lectures. Carrara is a metalsmith, selling to private collectors, crafting one of a kind jewelry, men’s accessories and table ware in silver, glass, hard woods, horn, bone and porcelain. Gillion is co-author of the recently published book Fashion Icons: A Celebration of Fashion's Legendary Designers, illustrated by David Lee Csicsko.