Aimée Beaubien, Twist Affix, 2017, cut-up inkjet prints, vintage c-prints, paracord, carabiners, miniature clothespins, oscillating fan, grow lights on fabric cord with dried gomphrena, eucalyptus, lemons, limes, and fallen acorns
Safety Plans
Campus Violence Prevention Plan
In accordance with the Campus Security Enhancement Act of 2008, the School of the Art Institute of Chicago has developed a Campus Violence Prevention Plan, which sets forth the School’s comprehensive violence prevention efforts. In addition, the School has assembled a Campus Violence Prevention Committee which carries out the strategies in the Plan to prevent, respond to, and manage violent acts or threats of violence on campus, with the overall goal being the enhanced safety of the SAIC community.
Campus Emergency Operations Plan
In conjunction with the local, county, and state emergency management and public safety agencies, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago has developed a Campus Emergency Operations Plan. This Plan enhances the emergency response capability for any large-scale emergency or disaster on the SAIC campus. When used properly, this Plan can assist the SAIC administration in protecting the lives and property of the students, faculty, and staff.
Incident Assessment Team
The Incident Assessment Team is a group of trained professionals from different departments across campus that discusses and evaluates behaviors of concern that could precede or follow a violent event. The Incident Assessment Team conducts threat assessments, addresses aberrant, dangerous, or threatening behavior on campus, and provides guidance and best practices for preventing violence. The group has access to a range of support services for students, faculty, and staff members that includes mental health services, crisis management, and comprehensive services for victims, whether provided on campus or by accessing available community resources.
Jeanne Clery Disclosure Act
Pursuant to 20 United States Code section 1092(f), the "Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act," and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 each institution of higher education in the United States which participates in federal student aid programs must produce and distribute an annual security report containing crime statistics and statements of security policy and an annual fire safety report containing fire statistics and statements of fire safety policy.
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago's (SAIC) Annual Security and Fire Safety Report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus; in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by SAIC; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus. It also includes statistics from the previous three years concerning fires that occurred in on-campus housing. Because the school and museum are both part of the same legal entity, the Report is available to students and all employees of the Art Institute of Chicago.
The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies on drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault, student housing evacuation in the event of fire, electrical appliances, to whom fires should be reported, and other matters. You can obtain a copy of this report by contacting the Campus Security office or by downloading it here:
Annual Security and Fire Safety Report 2024
Current and prospective students and employees may request a paper copy of this report by contacting the Campus Security Office at saicsecurity@saic.edu or at 312.629.9180.
Helpful Links
Campus Security Authorities' Information
Clery Act Responsibilities Annual
Campus Security Authority Training
Injury Form
Contact Us
280 Building
280 S. Columbus Dr., 312.443.3760
Sullivan Center
36 S. Wabash Ave., 312.629.6199
Sharp Building
37 S. Wabash Ave., 312.899.1210
MacLean Center
112 S. Michigan Ave., 312.345.3528
Jones Hall
7 W. Madison St., 312.516.5300
162 North State Street Residences
162 N. State St., 312.846.2100
Lakeview Building
116 S. Michigan Ave., 312.629.9422